Planning for What’s Next

Planning for What’s Next

No one likes to really think about it but we know it’s going to happen eventually. Someday the time will come to pass what you leave behind to the people or causes you care the most about. For many people, this is a spouse, kids, grandkids, and other family...
Making it Work Over Time

Making it Work Over Time

Once it’s complete, an estate plan needs to be reviewed and revised fairly frequently. The law changes, people move, priorities shift, and well-designed plans may grow obsolete. We work with you to keep your strategies current, to make sure they work as you...
Tax Planning for Non-U.S. Citizens

Tax Planning for Non-U.S. Citizens

Individuals from all over the world are investing in the U.S. in record numbers. Many are buying or forming new companies in the U.S., adding jobs and boosting the economy. Many seek to educate their children in America’s superior universities. Many are buying real...
Estate Planning After a Divorce

Estate Planning After a Divorce

When a couple goes through the difficulty of divorce the last thing either party wants to do is talk to another lawyer. In many cases, the couple has spent many hours and lots of money dealing with attorneys in one of the most painful times in their lives. But the...
The Most Painful “Growing Pains”

The Most Painful “Growing Pains”

Sometimes even well-designed estate plans go sideways. Dealing with the death of a family leader is bad enough, but when you add the complexity of a second marriage things get even more difficult. Alan Thicke, the Canadian-born actor who played the beloved dad from...